Human Brain Acts Like Super Computer : Advanced Calculations in Human Perception

Scientists have confirmed that human brains are naturally wired for advanced calculations, akin to high-powered computers, a process called Bayesian inference. In a study published in Nature Communications, researchers from the Universities of Sydney, Queensland, and Cambridge crafted a mathematical model mirroring human brain processes in visual comprehension, fully equipped for Bayesian inference.

Bayesian inference combines prior knowledge with new evidence for intelligent guesswork. For instance, recognizing a furry, four-legged animal based on prior dog knowledge. This capability enables precise, rapid environmental interpretation, surpassing machines struggling with basic CAPTCHA tasks like identifying fire hydrants.

Dr. Reuben Rideaux, the study’s senior investigator from the University of Sydney’s School of Psychology, noted, “Our study unveils the brain’s inherent design for advanced processing, enhancing our ability to understand surroundings effectively.”

These findings not only validate existing theories but also promise new research avenues, leveraging the brain’s natural Bayesian capabilities for practical societal applications.

“Our research, primarily focused on visual perception, has broader implications spanning neuroscience and psychology. Understanding the brain’s fundamental mechanisms in processing sensory data can fuel advancements in fields like artificial intelligence, revolutionizing machine learning, and clinical neurology, offering potential therapeutic strategies,” added Dr. Rideaux.

The research team, led by Dr. William Harrison, observed brain activity in volunteers viewing displays engineered to trigger specific neural signals related to visual processing. Mathematical models were then used to compare various hypotheses about how the human brain perceives vision.


Source University of Sydney

Author: Neurologica